Santiago, Chile

Kara says:

Santiago. We were a bit nervous about coming here (sorry Gonzalo) after less than glowing reports from everyone we talked to (boring, smoggy, bad food) but it's not that bad! In alot of ways it's a little bit like Brisbane - clean, modern, pedestrianised centre full of jacarandas, warm and sunny, lots of outdoor eating and drinking. Today is Friday and judging by the amount of people drinking after an extended lunch there are alot of empty offices and lecture theatres around.

Photos of the Plaza de Armas and of an obelisco (the two things you need to be a city in South America). Also photos of some older, more crumbling buildings in Barrio Brasil - a quieter suburb. And photo of the city from a hill. I'd like to pretend we climbed the hill but actually there was a funicular. They're good with the funiculars in this neck of the woods. Maybe someone important died once after climbing a hill prompting legislation so that no-one need ever climb a hill again.

So this is the end of South America! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next stop Cuba. Then Christmas. Let's not talk about after Christmas.


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