Iguazu Falls, Argentina & Brasil.
Kara says: i have a sneaking suspicion that this blog entry is particularly disorganised and i would like to apologise in advance. Also I tried to be fancy and add a couple of videos so no guarantees how that's worked out. Iguazu. It's all about falling water. Iguazu falls are the biggest waterfalls in the world, i think by volume of water (?), and i saw somewhere there's over two hundred separate falls. It's on the border of Argentina and Brasil and is a u-shaped waterfall and then a string of waterfalls stretching down-river a bit. It's very cool. Kara says: We saw them from all angles and took photos from most. From above where the river looks perfectly pleasant for an afternoon boat-ride until it opens up and sucks you into a white foaming hole. From above watching the river just disappear over the edge. From below enjoying a power-shower (see little soggy me on the walkway). From a boat up close to the base of the falls. I think i know now what it...