Copacabana to La Paz.

Kara says:
La Paz. Breathtaking. But only 'cause it's the World's highest capital city at 3600m. Had some fun on the way crossing the lake. Turns out you don't need a bridge to get some buses across a body of water, you just load 'em on some.....planks of wood powered by a single outboard motor (proving all aussie tinnies are overpowered) and off you go! thankfully they shipped the passengers across in the little boats. See photos. Also a photo of me having my final relaxation in a hammock overlooking copacobana before heading to the big smoke again.
La Paz. Impressive setting (that i couldn't get on photo) in a canyon/valley/bowl with the city thrown into the middle and trying to crawl out of the sides and a snowy mountain in the background. The town is one big, crazy market. The only sound louder than the traffic (an impressive feat) is the bus conductors yelling their destinations. You can actually buy anything (I don't say that lightly) at the markets spread all over town - food, clothes, material, thread, wool, sequins, phones, radios, nuts, bolts, hammers, lighting fixures, toilet bowls....I bet there is nothing you can think of that wasn't on sale there.
Photos of: Karl in his fancy, $5, maggot growing Bolivian futbol shirt; markets; me with the biggest club sandwich I've ever seen - 5!!!!! slices of bread; the cathedral; and Karl on our bus out of La Paz - the sticker said that god was our driver but we hoped he had a mere mortal as copilot.


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