Arequipa, Peru.
Kara says: Arequipa. Getting colder, getting higher (or else my breathing difficulties are due to the artery-clogging properties of our daily diet of roast chicken and chips - we may well have turned into chicken and chips when we get home). An old colonial city by a volcano and a couple of snow-covered mountains - a gorgeous setting. The city dates from 1540 (founded by Pizarro himself) and there's a church from about 1670 but alas the earthquakes have taken care of the older buildings and now the city mostly dates from the 18th and 19th century. Parents: don't worry about the earthquakes, see photo, there are safe zones in all the buildings! Another very impressive colonial plaza with a cathedral on one side. And a million tour companies and gringos wandering in packs herded by local tour guides. Went to see an amazing convent/monastery - almost enough to tempt me into a habit. It was founded in about 1570 by the daughters of rich Spaniards and over the years has grown to be ...