a nice cheery trip to the graveyard.

Kara says: (that's for you, Glen) ok, it's always a surprise what order those photos appear in, hmmm. Anyway this was a trip to the cemetery,as you do when you're on holidays. This is where the rich people of Buenos Aires get buried, it's the place to be seen if you're a corpse. And as you can see they tend to go in for modest little crypts (see picture with me for scale). There's rows and rows and rows of 'em, many of whom look like they may in fact still pop out for a bite in the evenings...i'll have to google it but surely someone's made a bad zombie movie here.

And the other photo is the cat Karl keeps trying to adopt kindly fertilising one of our plants. In fact he just strolled through our place and out the back deck, closly followed by the landlord's son who i'm hoping doesn't in fact plan to stay. I don't think even Karl wants a cat and a child. Although now they're both trying to extricate the cat from under the bed so maybe they're bonding.

No other news, how dull. Still not fluent in Spanish. Did get promoted from the retard corner in tango class though -there was a new couple who i guess needed it more than we did so we were thrown to lions! And i'm not sure exactly what Karl was doing wrong at one class that prompted the male teacher to offer him his tango shoes but it did seem to help.

Karl tried out his Spanish at the barber's today and came back looking like an army conscript. I suspect he'll be going back regularly though, as he tells me the only reading material in the waiting room was porn.

We are having ourselves a daytrip to Uruguay this week so unless it's a particularly boring part of the world i shall blog it next week.


  1. The crypts are huge! Is there a high water table there - like New Orleans - so everyone is 'buried' above ground or do they just like to look at coffins in Argentina?

    The kitty looks a little evil. I like kitties but I'm not sure if I would trust that one...


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