back to school

Back to reality! Alarm clocks, deadlines, homework, it's all too much.

So, going to spanish school every morning (and yet somehow, still not fluent?) we have joined the throngs of Buenos Aires commuters squeezing themsleves into the magic subte (underground) trains. The trains are magic because even though they are clearly packed to capacity when they arrive on the platform it's always possible to fit loads more people in. Magic! I think they actually have some sort of vacuum packing device fitted to the aircon.

And managed to drag Karl to tango class. Alas there doesn't seem to be the concept of a beginner class here so everyone else is very fancy schmancy flying footwork. We got "special attention" from the teachers and were confined to the retard corner. There must be something special in the air here because Karl has almost found rhythm! And one of his left feet occasionally behaves as if it were a right one.

Some photos here.
A touristy visit to an old ship at Puerto Madero. A couple of window washers dangling precariously. Karl trying to jump start his brain with caffeine before class starts. And karl drinking mate while doing his homework. Everyone drinks mate here - it's like tea, but with sawdust mixed in. You drink it from a very manly little silver straw (see photo) and keep topping it up with hot water until there's hardly any flavour left and it becomes almost palatable. To truly become Argentine though you have to bring your mate cup and a flask of water with you everywhere so you can whip it out at a moments notice in the park, on the street, at work (eg. sailor who sold us our entry tickets to the ship yesterday) 'cause you could DIE if you got caught without mate.

Now it's time for a cerveza and the Ireland-France match.


  1. I believe gourd is the word you're looking for, rather than "cup". I likes me some maté, though I'm sure the stuff that makes it over here is a pale imitation of the local brew.. So have you got schoolbags and lunchboxes and everything now?

  2. Ah, yes, "gourd". Like the sound you make when you first taste mate.


  3. Can't you get a seperate login so I know who's talking to me before I get to the end of the message?

  4. kara says: yeah, i had a superficial look the other day and couldn't find anything. so will do this from now on. also, it's always me.

  5. Re Karl's two left-feet. The one that occasionally behaves as a right-foot, I bet that is his left-left-foot!


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