Kara learns to blog
Hello! I'm blogging, i feel like a teenager.
So, two weeks into the big South American experiment and still alive, no dodgy taxi drivers, no being slipped counterfeit pesos, no express kidnappings, nada! We hoped for some drama when we came across a protest in front of the presidential palace with police waiting with a watercannon but alas it passed peacefully.
Nothing hugely exciting to report so far, mainly been appreciating (and a little private gloating) having absolutely nothing to do. Roll on retirement! Done a little bit of exploring around town and hopefully photos will follow on this thing. Karl has bought a guitar and i have acquired a harmonica to entertain ourselves and if the Aussie dollar continues it's nosedive we can take to the streets to earn some money. However, if i don't find music for a song other than "Blowing in thhe Wind" Karl may murder me in my bed.
Our holiday comes to an end Monday when we go back to school! Have signed up for spanish school when we discovered we can't understand a thing anyone says to us(despite diligently watching deeescovery chhhhome and laysure channel in spanish) and also going to be doing tango classes twice a week so by the end of our stay we will be true portenos.
Now. How do i do this photo thing. Right. That didn't work very well - that's Karl at the end of the Dakar rally beside one of the trucks that throws itself bouncing across the desert at stupid speeds.
OK, more experimentation with photos required, apologies to all.
That's a whopping mugshot of Mr Europants there. Karl - you look like you're from Limerick.