Kara says: Panama. Back in the northern hemisphere and in the tropics, yes! We flew here, first flight since coming from Buenos Aires so very strange to suddenly be dropped into a location so completely different from the last one - we've gotten used to seeing the surroundings gradually change through bus windows. We were thermally imaged at the airport to make sure we didn't have swine flu (we don't!) but other passengers weren't feeling too confident and chose to were silly masks anyway. Panama is a big, humid tropical city on the coast and smells just like Singapore/Bankgkok etc. It's wildly enthusiastic about constructing tall hotels and apartment buildings and so looks exactly like the Gold Coast. The government try to attract US and European retirees to come to live and invest here so you can basically buy citizenship (no test here Kevin!). The types of visa & citizenship vary only in that the more you spend the quicker you become a citizen. The best value...